A Very Long Fairy Ride Adventure


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Once upon a time, there was a sleepy village where many people who raise children without spanking lives.

There are fancy houses with shiny rooftops, built with bricks, large windows, large doors, and a set of dual lighting for their doors.

There are fancy streets build with bricks.

There are tall trees that are protected from being cut down.

There’s a large crop farm where lots of crops are planted,–usually a large orchard where fruit trees are planted, they also have a berry field where berries are grown.

There’s a subway system that is being built underground, but they don’t rely on coal to power their town; however, they’re fighting the mine fire that was burning for some decades.

There are windmills being maintained to generate 100 gigawatts of power to serve the entire village.

There’s a coal mines closing. There are oil refineries closing. The abandon mines are being cleaned. And the old dairy farm is converting into a garden of plants what villagers eat.

This is a transition what they’re establishing because, this is necessary to limit costs of dairy, and meat production, and raise production of meatless substitutes.

Almost 22 of these dairy farms are converting to a vegetarian-friendly farm. a new tax for dairy products are currently being inplemented, but it may take a few years to install.

This is a peaceful village where many villagers don’t smoke tobacco. Chewing tobacco has been outlawed since 4 days ago. There are many children who were enjoying a beautiful night where smoking levels has been reduced by 100%. Some of these villagers are having a tea party before going to sleep. Some of these villagers told stories about fairies, and other fictional stories. Most of their tea what they drink are hot because, its cold outside… imagining having a tea party in this village where tobacco is prohibited.

There’s no smoke shops, there’s no tobacco shops, and there’s no tobacco fields. This strategic prohibition hhas helped citizens quit using tobacco products altogether. And this effort has been enabling people to live longer, and go tobacco-free,–just like other nations where tobacco is banned or taxed by 55%! Many of these tobacco shops has gone bankrupt, and they shut their doors. Unlike a stable tea industry, tobacco stocks begin to go away. And new shops has converted old tobacco shops into vegan stores, and fish markets with strategic taxes to limit fishing to prevent overfishing, and overloading fish farms. They’ve also proposed a plan to eat red lionfish as a way to combat invasive species in the USA via the east coast.

The sun is rising high, the sky is turning blue, and the birds are waking up to experience fresh air without coal smoke… slowly; people start to wake up from their long sleep,–beginning their new day for school, work, construction, saving the forests, saving the planet, and phasing out oil and coal. However, this village is starting a phase of transitioning to renewable fuel as a default fuel system.

Outdoor lights start to turn off, and people begin to populate the streets! And there’s me walking down the street with my peers,–going to the library to get a book to read, and go to the toy store to populate a protected church.

“Its a beautiful day in this village,” I said, “I’m going to get started with believing in fairies, and help put an END to spanking,–for good.”

The sidewalk is laid with solid bricks, and they’re laid like a solid grid pattern that is strong enough to withstand heavy objects. They used to have just traditional cement sidewalk slabs, but they just reverted to bricks because, they’re stronger, and they’re resistant to fire. Just wondering why they’re finding ways to make our neighborhood as good as they used to be. However; this neighborhood has been changing for days, and this neighborhood has been advocating for anti-spanking laws that are extremely strict,–preventing religion from dodging these anti-spanking laws. Well, that caused some of these churches to be vacant for years, and have so many attendees reduced by 88%.

Sometimes, we have to deal with the long line to the library. Maybe they’re having a local event where fairy-believers get together to removing spanking traditions from families, schools, and other places. There was a news about a parent who was end up in prison for spanking children. This village has a first convicted spanker who is still doing time in prison, and ordered NOT to spank children,–or allow anyone to spank children indefinitely.

Once the library has been opened to the general public… we started entering the library.

The lights are turning on.

The recycle bin is emptied to restart the cycle of recycling.

Newly functional renewable energy services are running, and new solar panels are installed to help cut air pollution.

I started searching for a book about fairies… There are lots of books to choose. But I have to watch out for these books that are infected with erotic content that is NOT for me. But who in the right mind to hide erotic content in children’s books? This is kind of like a bad way to entertain children. However; the librarian has the power to audit, and remove erotic content that is NOT suitable for work and children.

It takes time for me to find this book.

I finally found a book to read… it was a correct book about fairies! And I was looking for this book for years. It was on a shelf where public domain books are available to read and reuse.

This shelf has a sign that reminds us about these legitimate books that can be reused without any restrictions.

I was so happy to find this book, and get ready to read.

So, I found a table to read this book to learn more about these fairies, and other myth-based creatures. Some of my peers are just reading bibles to study their beliefs. And they’re getting ready to set up funds to protect Christians from being persecuted, and prevent terrorists from burning down churches. Some of my peers used to be police officers who were designed to arrest arsonists who were terrorists.

This library is so quiet; I can able to hear the teacher reading a book to an abused child who wanted to live the different way… and there was a therapy rabbit trying to keep him calm. His mother who was involved was ordered NOT to spank children, or make contact with this child,–due to a sentence what she was facing. She’s currently facing probation up to 20 years; and a century of forced spank-free integration for a family. Since this child has wished spanking is banned; that caused many of these cruel parenting methods, and cruel rules in most families to be end up prohibited. I hope this child gets a loving home without violence.

“Poor child,” i cried as I stopped reading, and listened to the probation officer interviewing the teacher who was so upset because, this child didn’t go to therapy what she expected his mother to do so, “I think his mother is neglecting him each day, and she wasted money on gambling, bribing bullies, and supporting the trade of items used for spanking children.”

The probation officer is strict because, he is watching over this suspect for possible signs of violent outbursts.

Today… in this village, spanking a child is a serious crime. And you can go to federal prison for 22 years, and 99 years of “no spank” orders for all family members.

His therapy rabbit is good at keeping him calm.

As I open the book, I discovered raised images that is stable enough to last for a long time. It’s a picture of a fairy in a friendly fairy clothes.

“Perfect,” I whispered, turning the page to the upcoming story what I’m going to read, “and now, I can start believing in fairies,–if this book is legitimate. If I found a reputable source of these books; an author will make his/her first revenue with her content.”

I started reading the book while my other peers find other books to read. Like my other peers who were about to believe in fairies… they will form a religion in a future. Its kind of fun to start a religion that is new and modern.

As I read a book; I can hear librarians helping other people find books to read, and check out other books.

Some books are being returned because, they’re due before this date. However; this library is dedicated to serve the public free books to read.

My peers who were about to sit next to me are setting their books on a table to read soon.

Although; my peers are also going to camp because, they are the only people who are about to be deployed to other nations as a way for the United States to free up residential homes. This project is designed to help our country reconsider other countries, and find ways to integrate with other communities.

After I read a book; I placed it back on a shelf to get ready to go on a long walk to the mall to ride a large carousel to keep the anti-spanking laws going. Well, I always ride a carousel on my birthday each year. This ritual is necessary to clear away older parts of my dream that are bad. This program is now being implemented as a way to protect our children against exploitation by their own parents.

I’ve picked up this copy of a new law that just finally being enforced by 100%:

Ordinance 1989.20.4

Law To Protect Children Against Spanking And Other Corporal Punishment

This following ordinance has been developed to protect children against spanking against spanking at home, schools, institutions, and other places. Religion, culture, personal beliefs, or family traditions are NO exceptions for this ordinance.

Any parent who intentionally inflict harm by threatening to spank, assault, or any forms of bodily harm shall be sentenced to prison for at least 4 years per bodily harm case.

NO parent shall spank a child, teenager, adult, animal, or even infants under any circumstances. All content that depict children being spanked for bad report cards, crossing streets, etc shall be considered child abuse material. Any parent who possess this designated material shall be fined, or have their computer equipment forfeited. Also, any production of these materials shall be punishable by a max of 3 years in prison per material, or 1 year of probation per material.

Allowing any relative, friend, or any to spank a child shall be punishable by 5 years in prison, and 44 years of probation per count.

Any possession or creation of weapons for spanking children shall be punishable by 6 years in prison per count, or 33 years of probation per count.

This copy of this ordinance is a serious example of an anti-spanking laws that are now active.

So, I decided to keep a copy of this ordinance as I get ready to travel.

Unfortunately, I can’t keep this copy because, it belongs to a public library.

So, I returned this copy of this ordinance.

I exit the library. The librarian has never seen me read a book about fairies before! I was proud to believe in fairies because, I wanted to change my life to get out of an abusive family.

As I walk to the mall via a long trail, some of my peers has started to ride their bikes to the store to get themselves some lunch.

Well, this store is like a combination of a restaurant and a grocery store mixed in! However; this store is owned by an adoptive parent who care about anti-spanking laws and ordinances. However; I can overhear a person speaking to a parent who is currently on probation for child cruelty, after she is released from a federal prison far away. Well, she has one condition that is placed against her: No driving, and no dictators at all!

I continued walking down the street.

The streets are noisy, but automobiles are clearing up these streets like usual, and they’re heading to a city that only allow motor traffic as a way to preserve car culture. Well, this city is teaming with the poor who are released from prison, under a work release program.

However; some of my friends has decided to head to a mall with me.

As I reached the mall; I went to the sandwich shop to get me a long sandwich to eat.

The sandwich shop is dedicated to serve organic meals what this town is trying to upgrade to. This is necessary to BAN use of chemicals in our food, just like Japan does! However; prices of chicken, pork, goat, beef, turkey, and even other land-based meats has raised as a way to deal with taxes against meat products. Well, this is not a case for me because, I am choosing a vegetarian sandwich to eat, with a hint of red lionfish.

I have to rely on a card to purchase a sandwich because, I don’t have any money to buy my own food. This is an outrage when I was ripped off by my own mother.

Some of my other friends who eat pork has to pay more money because, pork products has been placed under ordinance as a way to reduce pig population in this town, and help cull off feral pig population.

I exit the line, and head to an empty table.

I started eating my sandwich at the table.

As I eat, I can hear some parents argue over this ordinance, and some parents who are “strict” Christians has planned to NOT pay more taxes for this town, but find ways to exploit this loophome that is already shut!

Some of these parents must undergo retaking of parenting classes, and even they have to accept this new ordinance as a way to comply with these new laws.

some of these outraged parents who condone spanking has lost their jobs, due to them refusing to abide to anti-spanking laws.

This law is about to spread like a storm in the forest.

What makes this place really special… they don’t allow anyone to spit into anyone’s food. And they take this case seriously. They don’t want anyone to get sick, or end up hospitalized.

I am the only person who is sitting at this table where it has an anti-spanking sign installed with LEDs embedded as a way to keep the signs lit 24/7.

Meanwhile, a lady who has a same skin color like me has arrived at this table, and she is about to eat her lunch. However; she doesn’t have any children. She is eating a bison steak sandwich with vegetables and red lionfish.

I can hear other people ordering their own food at the counter as a way for them to have lunch too.

As I eat, I overhear about new anti-spanking laws taking place in this village. That means, spanking will be considered a federal crime, part of assault and battery category. That means, religion, tradition, personal belief, or any other reasons will NOT be exceptions under any way!

However; there’s 1 single parent who is currently on an ankle monitor for child cruelty, and she is eating a bland PBJ sandwich that is considered junk now these days.

Well, a sandwich what I am eating is a vegetarian sandwich!

After I ate my lunch; I leave the table for someone to have lunch later on.

Each table has an anti-spanking sign on it.

I walk down the hallway.

The hallway is kind of noisy, but music is playing in the background.

I ran towards the rides for everyone of all ages. This is the fun part for all customers who wanted to have some fun. Every person always have their rights protected at all costs there!

Meanwhile, I encountered a carousel that is newly built, and it has LED lights embedded.

I am the first to try out this ride by paying at least $50 what my friend has given me to spend on a ride to ride.

Unfortunately, a little girl who want to ride this carousel isn’t able to ride it because, she is bound on a wheelchair. I think her legs stopped working.

I tried to speak to her, but her mother,–who is currently released from prison must maintain employment as her mandatory condition. However; she is on a list of parents who are responsible for child cruelty for the rest of her life.

I hop on a carousel to choose an animal to ride.

The music on a carousel is beautiful.

Waltz is played via electronic music of some sort, almost like you’re in a game of some sort.

I hop on a white rabbit with a pink nose, long ears, and a large tail.

Some of my other friends ride other animals on a carousel.

The ride starts.

I’m riding a white rabbit, a girl is riding a pony, and 4 of my friends ride cats.

Some of my friends wanted to have a tea party with me as they reach my home.

My mother hasn’t been staying home recently. That enables me to be free,–due to a court order, ordering my mother NOT to spank anyone; nor allow anyone to hit a child as a punishment, or under any circumstances.

This mall is sponsoring anti-spanking laws that will help all children stay away from violence. And be raised with a modern society. Since outdated family traditions are being seized out… that causes newer children to evolved with a new generation.

This carousel ride is sponsoring this law!

I have over 14 peers with me. And some of them are just getting ready to go to work,–after a carousel ride.

This is a newly built carousel that is portable, and its located inside a large house where it has its own heating and cooling systems. That enables this ride to be running for 24 hours a day. And this place never closes.

There are over 22 off duty police officers making a play to stop the spank, and take the spank out of our parents.

I can hear riots outside,–fighting against this new law. But this new law is designed to save children from cruelty.

During my second ride; I ridden a large white mouse that is fully ready to be ridden by anyone.

This is kind of new to me because, this carousel has been evolving for some years… this ride is in a public domain! That means, everyone can contribute to this project.

Almost everyone on this ride has been funding this mall for years. That enable people to keep the building in good standing. And they’re also implementing new policies to keep Sharia laws out of our society. This is necessary to protect the rights of anyone around the USA, and around the world. If I get my calculations correct… if you ride this mouse on this carousel, you will offset 1000 mouse-traps from 1 house. That can also enable people to apreciate mice. This is necessary to enable our community to transform to an ethical community.

The operator of the carousel has told me about the ride itself. She is the original administrator of this ride.

On the third ride; I riding on a large white rat with large ears, a pink nose, and a long pink tail that is designed with a spiral format.

My friend rides on a white rabbit what I was riding earlier. He is proud to ride a rabbit because, that’s what he wish for!

His family has planned to get him a ride-on rabbit to entertain himself, and most of his family members has populated this ride. That’s more than enough to fund this ride for some days, or even weeks. They only pause this service during maintenance, fund management, and prevention of terrorism.

So far, $200,000,000 has been donated to churches where they needed to be protected against Islamic terrorism.

After I ridden the carousel 7 times; I started to run towards the arcade where they sponsor laws to keep Sharia law out of our society.

I have to find the game or ride that is available.

So far, everyone has filled the arcade. And they were making a difference with their community so far.

“I’ll ride a large fairy, or a large butterfly to entertain myself,” I said, running towards the rides.

Other peers who were playing games are just waiting for me to join in.

So, I hopped on a butterfly to ride. It relies on tokens to start a ride. This ride is designed for both adults and children. The wings are pink, and she has a tail like a fox, and she has a head like a rabbit.

They used to have rides that are only marketed to children, but they specially ordered these large formats. And unlike other rides in this arcade… they’re open-source. But they still have these other rides.

All of the music fills the arcade… that means; the arcade is active everyday. And there was a record of this place running up to 44 days flat! However… this arcade does not promote fetishism, that’s just entertainment for everyone.

Some of my other friends were riding on a large mechanical wolf to fund protection to protect wolves from being hunted by poachers, and greedy hunters. This machine play sounds like a real wolf, but a butterfly what I’m riding plays sounds that takes place in a garden.

However; due to high revenue… this arcade has to rely on a dedicated ATM to make it easier for customers to play games. But this ATM is dedicated to save our planet from global warming. Most of these dollars were spent via ATM fees were designed to promote wind energy, save our forests, tax dairy from dairy farms where cattle are raised for dairy, halt sales/slaughter/distribution of rabbit meat, prevent pollution, ban plastic bags, implement mandatory recycling laws, and other earth-saving activities! This unit is protected against tampering by skimmers, fraudsters, and other criminals.

After 4 minutes; this ride what I riding stops with a message: “Ride next time! You’ve planted 240 trees so far.” Planting trees for the future does help our economy.

I hop off a butterfly ride machine.

Some of my friends are still riding these wolves, and cooling down our planet. They chat as they ride this ride.

I am the first to exit this mall.

Two of my friends are exiting too.

We need to catch a bus to head home.

All of that fun has resulted us using up some time. It does go fast when having fun!

The bus arrives at the entrance of a mall.

Each of us board the bus.

The bus leaves the mall to go to my house to have a tea party. This is necessary for me to have tea and tarts to leave liquor out of my house. But some of my peers aren’t able to drink tea,–due to allergies, or they can’t drink any hot drinks. That’s when I started planning on adding alternatives to tea for some of my peers. This is necessary for me to make it flexible for my friends to enjoy our party with other peers.

Meanwhile, a bus arrives at the halfway house.

This halfway house only has 3 floors with a flat roof with a garden implemented, but its only used for our environment. It has safety fences around the perimeter, but they’re high as 15 feet with a baffle to prevent suicide attempts. It does have small windows, but it has a tall wide door. There’s a ramp for wheelchairs or people with service animals. However; a cellar is only used for utilities like heating and cooling.

Meanwhile, Mohamed was late! He missed out our fun, however… he can have tea with us. But he didn’t reach us because, he was on probation,–after he was released from prison since years ago. “Mohamed… you missed our fun,” I said, “did the taxi broke down, or something else?”

“I was ordered NOT to go to any arcade,–due to fraud, and my banking account was seized by the taxing authorities. What I was doing is Islamic banking… my store was seized too, he cried.

Mohamed was wearing a tag that warns people he’s a terrorist who was on probation. He can’t board our bus because, he can’t leave 1 section of this village.

During a long trip via a bus; all of my allies are watching a film as a way to entertain ourselves.

This mall is far from my home!

Why some of my peers are watching a movie because, they wanted to spend some time watching films. And some of them are affiliate partners who currently make money by reviewing and watching movies. They’ve joined an affiliate network as a way to help themselves keep themselves financially at float.

I can hear them watching a movie. And they’re reviewing each film what they’re watching. Well, they review each movie with commentary, and they take issues with corporate greed very seriously. They usually take extreme caution as they review movies, and publish their reviews online.

The bus trip takes a very long time, up to 3 long hours.

All of my peers and I has reached a house where I live in. We started to get ready to have a tea party. They wanted to choose tea over alcohol because, they wanted to take smart choices. This is necessary to keep the alcoholic beverages out of our system. We have to think twice before we unload our rental bus that is used for long trips. My older friend who is a librarian has been logging activities. She’s the only person who is paying lots of taxes to enable schools to run smoothly.

Some of my peers has started getting ready to brew some tea, and bake some tarts for our entire party. This is necessary for us to start our party early because, many of my peers who were making smart choices,–not to drink alcohol. Never the less… none of my peers smoke tobacco products.

They’re been lobbying for a law that will outlaw sales, distribution, cultivation, and production of tobacco products. They wanted to keep our neighborhood free of tobacco smoke, and other tobacco products. Once tobacco products has been outlawed; it will be easier for us to be smoke-free!

However; this house needs to be set for our party for our peers because, this house hasn’t been used to host a tea party for a long time!

“Great work troops,” I said, getting ready to clear the table, “this is our first milestone of making smart choices. So far, we refused to use tobacco products because, we’ll never support the tobacco industry.”

I removed 1 dirty plate from the table, and started to clean out the old pan that was used to hold lighters, and other smoking products. But due to the tobacco smell, I have to recycle it, and buy a new one someday.

As scones and other baked goods are being baked in the oven, some of my peers has started to remove unwanted moust-traps from this house, and steam up the floors. Why my peers are removing these traps? They’re vegetarian, and they own mice, rats, and rabbits. This is a good thing when my peers get ready to have some tea with me someday… but their wish has been granted without any trouble!

The walls are wiped.

The kitchen is fully cleaned.

The dining room has been restored.

The living room is now set for a large tea party.

When the goods are done being cooked, we start our party.

We’re having a tea party.

We’re having tea with tarts, berries, and scones. Being a tea-drinker and choosing NOT to drink alcohol is the experiment what we are trying to establish But this experiment has been started because, I heard the news about people who were drinking alcohol, and getting drunk… that’s why high taxes on alcohol is necessary to prevent consumers from buying alcohol from any store. Since I don’t support the alcohol industry, I always update strategies to avoid harmful substances. I read a book about why you should avoid harmful substances before! None of my peers don’t want to be like other people who were involved in drinking alcohol.

The experiment is about to work like it should, but sometimes; our experiment fails. But there’s no room for trial and error.

This tea party is important to host because, I’m about to find a way to get started with believing in fairies. I’ll keep trying,–until I succeed!

One of my peers started to serve some tea for my other peers, and I got my own cup of tea for myself. But I have to share some of my scones that are vegan! And there are NOT junkfood because, this is a new kind of scone what I’m eating now.

Some of my peers told stories that are fictional, but sometimes… they tell real stories via the newspaper online.

Some of my peers are just having a party,–before they go to their sporting activities. Since they are boycotting alcoholic beverages; they are strategically choosing tea over liquor, that is a new kind of an experiment… they are working with other people who were helping others stay away from alcohol. Drinking and driving is such a bad idea. DUI is extremely serious… and you may lose your vehicle and your license to drive a vehicle. For some countries; DUI convicts are banned from driving vehicles altogether. Well, some of my friends lost their friends… due to DUI, and they don’t forget the time when a DUI suspect has smashed to their friend’s car, and their bicycle. Today, a DUI convict is in prison, but scheduled to be released next week. Most of my friends discuss about ways to prevent DUI, and choose public transit over driving your private vehicle.

My peers really liked my tea party.

They asked me: “Why I started believing in fairies?”

I replied to my peers: That’s the alternative to my previous belief.” My peers agreed with my reply. They never seen a person believing in fairies before!

I’m currently getting my next set of scones baked in the oven. Some of my peers can hardly see me. The lights in the canteen are dim. The art work that I made since a long time ago are sold. Half of the money goes to the organization, so they can reduce pollution; and save the planet.The tea set that we’re using is custom-made. The tarts that we’re eating are warm as a hot pie,–fresh from the oven.

The tea kettle that we’re using has a theme of fairies that is custom-designed.

Some of my peers were NOT actually in my dining room; they’re just in the living room. It’s a small room. Some of my peers don’t want to crowd that small room, they wanted to drink tea in the dining room instead! They asked me if it’s okay, and I said, “join in!”

My peers has entered the dining room.

Since we’re eating in the canteen, (or dining room), that’s the place where we’re having tea. Although, we’re having green tea because, we ran out of white tea, black tea, and ginger/cinnamon tea.

The scones that we’re eating are soft as a cookie. Those are eggless scones what we’re eating! Some of my peers can’t eat eggs because, they’re vegan. Baking with these vegan ingredients is necessary for me because, that enable other peers who were trying to reach my party can enjoy it too!

Once few more of my peers has arrived; the tea party starts normally. Since I’m hosting my party; I set the guidelines. That’s important to keep my party clean, and free of bad stuff. I also had my music playing,–so my peers can have entertainment as they enjoy my party. I need to rely on public domain music to be safe, and reduce supporting of these greedy music industries who were involved in corporate greed, corporate crime, and corruption,–and even copyfraud. However; some of my peers hasn’t started to drink tea because, they have trouble with their food. Spitting in anyone’s food is bad manners because, that’s passing germs… and you can get someone sick, or worse. Some of my peers has talked about why you should NOT spit in anyone’s food. And they had a plan to develop a PSA ad to remind anyone “spitting into someone’s food can pass germs… you can make someone sick, or worse”. This ad what they’re planning is new to me!

All of us are having a tea party in my house. Well, this is our party with my peers who were invited. But some of my other peers hasn’t came to our party just yet. Maybe they had problems with their car, or van. However, this is a start of our long party. That means, this party won’t be completed,–until all of my peers who were invited arrived successfully! Most of my peers are reading public domain books as they consume their tea with scones. Some of my peers were just getting started with my tea party.

One of my peers has refilled my tea kettle because, some of my new peers are coming. And some of these scones are baked in the oven because, there’s more of my friends coming. Maybe they’re taking a subway to reach my house. They need to take a subway because, my house is too far for them to reach via a car.

Once all of my friends has arrived successfully, they settled down as I announce the guidelines.

I have to respond to my peers,–whenever they have questions. I have to enforce these guidelines because, I have to keep my party clean as possible.

After I announced the guidelines; all of my peers agreed to these guidelines, the party continues.

The Tea Party continues.

We still have plenty of scones on the plate. Most of my peers are just enjoying their time, most of the plates what we’re using are still being used for our long party. I’m currently a host, but my mother isn’t home at all. Maybe she was at court,–due to misuse of funding sources, who in the right mind to use this specialized funding sources as gambling money? I don’t support this form of activity because, I needed these specialized funds to help with my bills, food, clothes, getting equipment, etc. Although; my peers has condemned gambling as unnecessary! Trying to believing in fairies is totally difficult. They said: “It’s your choice! We respect your change of your beliefs, we take this kind of issue like this seriously. We respond to any problems with parents who taking children to churches that they don’t know..” I drank the rest of my tea as I continued eating the rest of my scones. But some of my peers are getting ready to go home, and sleep.

The Rest of my peers has helped me cleaned up the entire house. They’re just taking their time to finish up our party, all of us worked in team to speed up our cleaning task. I ran towards the TV set to listen to any of the movies, but the TV is not working.

Somehow; there was a loud knock on a door, it was the law enforcement.

I ran towards the door to verify if they’re actually the officers who are trying to find my mother who was involved in some scheme.

They told me about the bills what my mother didn’t even pay,–to keep my systems running, and they’re investigating it for a long time. Although; they told me; my mother is in court! And she was trying to cover up her spending activity. I told them what’s happening, and they responded to my story seriously. They said: “We’re going to find your mother’s spending data, and find out if you are end up without any services for your systems.” They Started to investigate my place, and find the logs,–where my mother has dropped off since months ago.

They searched the cellar… they have to search each room downstairs. This is a flood-protection cellar where series of wet pumps are installed to assist in draining the flood water. This room has no cabinets to store items.

They searched the first floor.

They search the second floor.

There is no sign of these logs, they have to find my mother’s place. Although; I had an option to find someone who will help me get these bills paid.

Once the officers has finished searching this house, they headed out the door to their vehicle, and drove away.

Some of my peers are just running out of my home. Well, some of my peers were just cleaning up. And I have to work too!

After my peers left my home, I decided to go to sleep.

I turned off the lights, to speed up conservation of electricity,–so it’s easier to finish up the remaining amount of coal. The larger businesses are going to reboot all of their services,–after they had disconnected from the coal-based power system. The stores are planning to reboot too. External portable generators that are driven by solar energy, and batteries, are required. However; a slight interuption is going to cause a delay to our power service, and these changes are most likely to be finished in the future. Although; the change of the power service is necessary to save our planet.

The tram service is coming back to functionality. Since it doesn’t pollute the environment, it will be used to replace buses. Workers are working together to upgrade to renewable energy. And all of the streets will be cleared while all of us are asleep. That makes it easier for workers to do their job. Why they’re doing their job because, starting with newer days of renewable energy usage… all oil industries, and coal industries will be discontinued as a way to enable environmental laws to quickly take effect.

I turned on my radio, and started the cassette-recorder;–so I can play the news about the transition to clean energy on the next day. But the nurse who is in my house has documented lots of issues with these bills for the TV service, and she was upset, and her payment system hasn’t received any payments from my mother at all.

She was worried about me.

She told me to believe in fairies as powerful as I can,–before I ever go to sleep.

“Your wish will be granted, and I’ll do my best,” I said, adjusting the volume on my radio. “I’ll report financial abuse, your mother is NOT paying for your services what you expected to. Somehow; these checks has bounced just like a ball,” said the nurse, removing the mouse-trap from the living room, “your mother has been involved in fraud, and you have to rely on a payment provider for the unbanked.”

She writes down a report to let the company know about the loss of revenue of their services.

I walked back downstairs to check on my clothes that are being dried via an electric dryer. It will take 90 minutes for my clothes to be fully dry. I have to rely on a powerful unit because, this is necessary to keep my clothes drying faster. The nurse has to remove all of the tainted food from my freezer because she claim halal meats are dangerous. And she don’t support the Sharia law. Since she supports the Economic sanctions of terror-linked countries… she supports banning of Islamic culture, and all Islam. I do got a set of spare clothes that enable me to use,–during the long laundry days. I need to rely on my series of stockpiled food, items… this is necessary to keep me supplied at all costs.

I have to keep my systems quiet because, the nurse is a rabbit owner. And she owns about 4 rabbits. She doesn’t eat them because, she don’t raise them for meat… she’s under a religious law that prohibit followers from eating rabbits. This is necessary to prevent slaughter of these animals. According to the nurse who is taking over this house… she believed owning rabbits as pets/working animals/therapy animals is permitted, but raising them for meat is prohibited. I never heard of that nurse who owns a set of rabbits as pets before! I have to rely on unused rooms for her rabbits.

So, I cleaned out some of these rooms where her rabbits will reside. This room is also going to be a specialized room for resolving fear of rabbits. I can hear the nurse coming upstairs with 4 of her rabbits. “Be sure to place all of these covers for cables in this room,” said the nurse. The room is already set for her rabbits. I have to activate the air cleaner to keep the dust levels down by 99%. That’s very important for her rabbits to breathe easily!

After I set this room for her rabbits; I ran back to my room to sleep. I have to get ready for tomorrow.

After I launched the recorder, I decided to get ready to sleep. The nurse is about to patrol this house for any possible signs of bad activities. Maybe the nurse has been deployed to my home because, my mother has been involved in an abusive scheme that is illegal.

However, the nurse gave me a large soft white rabbit what I can ride as I sleep in my tent. I have to recycle my old mattress. This is necessary for me to do so because, I have to prepare this house for a long preparation via expansion projects that is going to enable me to have lots of rooms.

So, I built my mattress out of a set of soft mats, and some cushions that are designed to soften my bed. Since I have no blankets to cover the mats, I used some of my sheets to keep the bed what I just built in place.

As soon as my bed was fully assembled; I brought my new large soft white rabbit with me. She is so big, I can ride her, that will enable me to imagine riding a rabbit in FairyLand.

So, I zipped up my tent, climbed on my large soft white rabbit, and started reading my book.

“I can able to ride this rabbit in my dream, but this is going to tune up my dream just a bit,” I said.

I wasn’t ready to sleep just yet… the nurse has to get her rabbits situated next to my room where her rabbits are going to be.

This nurse is over 130 years old, and she is still working as a nurse. Her family is strategically formed without spanking and other corporal punishment of any kind. Her family has condemned spanking as cruel, and unlawful. Her family has freed the slaves, and persecuted the slave owners as a way to help stop the slave trade, and abuse,–and joined forces to abolish slavery at all costs. It’s a good thing when slavery is now illegal. The nurse has to watch for any possible abuse what my mother just left behind.

I went to sleep.

As I sleep, my dream is coming.

All of the lights are turned off. And the workers appeared.

In my dream. I started flying with fairies. However, I was riding a fairy. She was a friendly fairy. She wears a big poofy pink dress that is larger than Cinderella’s gown, white stockings, flat pink shoes, a pink crown, and a white apron. She has white hair; light skin; rounded pink nose; pink lips; blue eyes; she’s taller than me; and she can speak British or Japanese.

I’ve never seen this fairy in my dream like this before!
Although; this is my first time riding a fairy who matched my art since a long time ago. What makes her really special… she is a vegetarian. And she doesn’t eat meat. She can really use her wand on her left hand. And she is an activist who wanted to save our planet from pollution. Here’s what I discovered as I interacted with my fairy in my dream. She has jumbo fairy wings, intelligent, smart, and flies almost any direction.

I’ve managed to balance as I ride my fairy in the sky.

The sky is blue with soft white clouds. And the sun is gold. The horizon is decorated with gardens, fountains, parks, tall trees, large farms with crops, and a large windmill delivering electricity to the large village, and the another windmill pumping water to distribute water around the entire village. All of the other fairies were jealous because, they’re too small to be ridden by a person. And they were so jealous, they tried their schemes to enlarge themselves.

As I was riding my fairy, I flown over the the suburb that is sleepy. Since my dream is complex; my belief is launched for the first time,–while I leave my previous beliefs. The rest of these fairies who were with us are just heading home to the palace in the sky someplace.

The sun is rising over the town, the neighborhood is waking up. We can see the garden down the road. All of the other fairies are jealous because, I was flying with my fairy.

As we landed on the brick walkway, we hiked down the big garden to explore the rest of the suburb.We can see 4 rabbits hopping along the field of roses. This garden is so big; we have to run down the path. This fairy what I’ve ridden earlier has never handle her rider before. However; she’s taking long breaks. Although; I had an option to ride rabbits, there’s lots of big rabbits available for us to ride. There’s over 20 of them living in the garden. I paused for a minute… I discovered 1 large white rabbit coming out of the large hole in the ground. I decided to climb on her back, and start riding her. Turns out; this hole isn’t dug by a rabbit, it’s built by people,–making it look like a rabbit hole, leading to an underground tunnel. The fairy finds the another rabbit to ride, so she can catch up with me.

We started to ride rabbits to reach the road to the sleepy suburb. I am riding a white rabbit that is wearing a pink ribbon. And the fairy is riding a brown rabbit who is wearing a green ribbon. We are going down the path of this large garden. We are passing fancy little houses, fountains, a large playground, a green soccer field, and the vegetable garden.

We went through the giant arch that is made of tiles, and glass bricks with different colors of a rainbow. We can see the extension of the road. We’re entering the suburb. We can see lots of fancy trees that are tall. We can also see fancy houses, and farms.

As we finally made it to the suburban home that we chosen, we decided to eat some lunch. The fairy in my dream said, “Your wishes will be granted as you wake up. Since you started believing in fairies, you are ready to go to the next level. We’re not going to grant anyone’s wishes yet,–until anyone check their wish lists that are collected. That also requires anyone to go to the fairy port via tram to varify if you want to continue believing in fairies. Don’t let anyone take your list.”

My dream started to change to the next theme,–as i eat my lunch. Maybe my dream is changing because, I had an ability to ride a fairy, or a rabbit. The fairy has enjoyed riding rabbits. She just flapped her wings to reduce all of these wrinkles,–after a long flight with me. She has to wear extenders to handle her mount..

After lunch; we continued flying in this town. We discovered lots of fancy gardens that are expanding; these large flowers are growing so high, they are tall as a tree, and wider than a pond.

Almost all of the flowers in the garden had blocked the sun rays. Although we’re heading towards the garden. About 22 fairies are gathering fruits, and vegetables for tonight. Compost is laid,–to help plants grow,–all without polluting water. Since wells are active, they used state-of-the-art filters to remove contaminants. Almost all of the trees that they had grown in this garden are growing normally.
The 2 rabbits what we ridden earlier has returned back to the owners. They were the first ones to come out for a drink at the garden. Since the garden is free of predatory animals… that enable rabbits to happily graze at the grassy fields, and eat dedicated plants at the garden that is just for rabbits. This hybrid food source doesn’t just offset food shortages for these animals.. that also enable cotton tail rabbits to graze along the fields. Since this fairy what I’m riding really like rabbits in a garden. She has planned to build and plant a large garden for her rabbits in the future.

A Fairy what I was riding flap her wings harder to push away from the ground. She uses her wand to blast away all of these barriers that are being torn down to promote integration, and eliminate xenophobia.

The scenary in my dream is beautiful! This fancy garden is so large, it was shared by neighbors. The bridge that goes over the stream is made of metal, bricks, and diamonds. The stream contains lots of fresh water that enables villagers to get water,–during gardening tasks. To help keep it clean, they remove harmful waste, and check if this stream is flowing normally. The other side of the stream, there’s a little town,–where gardeners live. The streets are just normal paved dirt that is used for planting grass that is short. Bikers ride bikes to travel. Machines that are operated by gardeners sprinkle water to keep grass growing. They can go either direction. They don’t have gas engines, they had electric motors. They run by high-voltage batteries. They hook to power cables to charge batteries,–so they can start their tomorrow’s task.

We flown towards the old town that is so sleepy, we can hear few people talking. Inside this old town, there’s lots of old houses that are still functional. Many villagers who lived here share lots of goods, to prevent issues, trees with fruit growing,–including vegetables are the backup sources of food for the entire village. Vegetarians who planted these trees taken care of them for a long time. Orchards far away from here are also raised by vegetarians. Since all of the buildings have metal roofs, and green roofs, they have lots of projects to save the environment.
This is a long flight! But this fairy has enough energy to fly for a long haul. She glides as a way to conserve energy.

Four hot air balloons are on duty to survey the land where vegetarians live. Unlike meat-eating communities who raise animals for meat… there are over 200 gardens planted to cut down air pollution.

These vegetarians has intentionally planted trees to limit grazing fields for cattle, sheep, and goats. Over 20 villagers started converting animals who were raised for meat to ride-on animals. This conversion has been started since years ago, and many people has started to limit meat production by 90%. This is necessary to help reduce hunger, and reduce pollution. Major cleanup has been started to reverse air and water pollution. Over 200,000 unsold vehicles has been recycled to free up resources. Over 500,000 tons of plastic has been recycled, and 200,000 gallons of water has been cleaned as a way to help restore our environment.

This village has been caring for nature for 250 years,–after a strategic reconsideration. Limiting use of oil, and other materials that can pollute our environment has been successful as many villagers has predicted use of renewable fuel in the future.

We went back to our house to settle down. The village is enjoying their dinner, we decided to make our own meal. Since the meat source is not available, we have to rely on vegetarian alternatives. There’s an untold stories of cattle-farms, and chicken-farms changing their efforts. Although, vegetarians has already reduced meat-eating by 99%. Most of the gardens used to have old cattle-farms. However, pescatarians are teaming up with other villagers who already became vegetarians.

Maybe they outlawed meat sources from cattle, chicken, rabbit, pig, duck, goose, bison, turkey, quail, ostrich, and horse farms of all kinds.

While we’re enjoying our dinner; we read books about mythology. The lights in our house are dim. Since the table that is made of wood is left behind, we decided to fix it up. Almost all of the parts are worn out. The windows of our house are still functional. Almost all of the rooms are empty, but they’re filled with beautiful furniture. The tile floor is shiny as metal! The walls are rugged,–maybe to keep the heat inside the house during the cold days. The entire house is quiet. This house hasn’t been care for by this person since years ago. But these villagers came to the rescue, and saved this home from being condemned by a corrupted government. This village will NEVER join any corrupted forces under any circumstances.

Later, it was getting dark in my dream. The sky is now dark with a rising moon, and the town is about to quiet down. However; this village has been phasing out automobile dependency for years. Only trams are active 24/7 as a way to ferry passengers to places.

I am riding my fairy as a way to entertain her,–before lights out. Well, this is key for her to be entertained because, there’s no TV in this house.

After I ridden my fairy, we headed to our bed to sleep.

both of us are asleep. The bright moon is shining the suburb. All of the other fairies are asleep too! All of the streets are cleared for the next day. Workers are steaming the streets to combat pollution. They work around the clock,–keeping the environment clean. I discovered the statement why some fairies can’t grant wishes, until the wish list is collected, and verified by the person who is replying to the confirmation message? To prevent wishes from being stolen; we collect wish lists from each person while he/she is asleep. We take issues seriously. To confirm we’re going to grant your wish, we have to make sure you received your next message, that way; we can keep track of anybody’s wishes. Once you confirmed you had a message; your wishes will fully take effect.

So that’s why they made a statement what I discovered!

Maybe they are resolving some issues,–regarding granting wishes to a correct person. If I get my calculations correct, they’re preventing anybody’s wishes from being mixed up, or stolen. The neighbors are sleeping in this peaceful suburb. The train system is being cleaned up for the next day. And their subway is being extended,–so it’s easier to travel in this suburb. Cars are scarce in this neighborhood, but they do have few cars and trucks.

Since this suburb had already reduced pollution by 95%; The entire suburb is going to help other kingdoms remove all coalburning plants from the entire world. I’m so proud these polluting power plants are going away,–for good!

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